Friday, May 20, 2011

spruced up mirror

For how cheap and easy it is to do, spray painting can really work wonders on stuff that needs updating. (Like when I spray painted the tired light fixture & mailbox on the front porch for about $3 instead of spending to look like the $60+ new ones I was contemplating.)

I finally got enough break from rain around here to work a little of that spray paint magic on the $8 cracked and chipped mirror frame I picked up a while ago. Here is is before:

And here it is after a clean up and a couple coats of spray. It's certainly improved, though I didn't stray too far from the original color - I have plans to incorporate this into a frame wall and wanted something with a metallic finish for that - but I thought a bright color would be fun too. Can always change it up later!

It's currently just propped up on the bookshelves (along with my awesome new "Don't forget to be awesome" print from Super Swoon) while I plan the rest of the aforementioned frame wall...

p.s. check out some spray painting tips at the Home May'd spray paint party at Thrifty Decor Chick.... plus some other great spray paint project ideas.

1 comment:

  1. so much better and cleaner looking! looks like a brand spankin new mirror!


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